Give a chance to those oppressed by the life’s hardships

There are people who live in unbelievable conditions.
There are people who seek a better live.
There are countries with sociopolitical and economical systems structured on different levels and there are coordination concepts of people’s interests.
There ape people with certain concepts about life, religion, culture etc.
There are people with a high standard of living who forget that some other fellows lead an oppressed life
One cannot live in 2 systems, one to be used and the other one to live in and be part of your fellows’ grief in different life contexts.
We are also struggling to exist, Fortuna, and we wish and intend as much as possible to: support, coordinate and administer different sensitive social and human crises.
You exist, and from your much or less gifted life you may give back the hope for a better life to those oppressed by the life’s hardships. For a great deal of those oppressed by the life’s hardships the survival itself from one day to the other means an endless struggle from the point of view of the “provision”, the dreams for a better life vanish from one day to the other.
So far there are not too many future alternatives for these far from few communities, and the possibilities include just a small number of them such as paid jobs.
The existence of many shortcomings at different levels such as social groups, family, individual, as well as the inhuman conditions of living, all these turn them into marginalized and discriminated people. Because of these circumstances they tend to appeal to hardly accepted at a conscious level “habits”:
- Forcing minor children under 10 years old to go begging
- Involving minor children in working which is beyond their physical and human condition
- The constraint of appealing to certain unsocial practices
As far as the educational aspect is concerned, “professional development”, because of the life’s shortcomings as well as their marginalization, it may be noticed that there is a very high rate of children who abandon school too soon.

Being aware of this situation and leading our existence around these social and human environments, the foundation Fortuna has decided not to stay indifferent but to get involved in our fellows’ lives and their communities.
The critical situation we deal with requests an immediate support of any type (moral, social, financial) from persons willing to heal if possible the sufferance in these human communities, which are neither few nor isolated.
The contrasts in which we live as human beings and levels of evolution were the reasons this foundation Fortuna exists. It focuses on helping social groups, which lead a hard life, as well as on people or communities who adapt slowly or are marginalized.
The foundation Fortuna has as priorities and object of activity the following:
- Support for extremely poor and oppressed by the life’s hardships persons, families and communities
- The implementation of info-educational programs with the help of social workers
- The acquisition of urgent necessary products (food, clothes, hygiene-sanitary products, school supplies and so on)
- Cooperation with foundations and humanitarian associations